Short Horror Fiction


Feast Your Eyes

Some more artwork inspired by @DeadEndFiction. This one is from August 2010 and by @S0lus

Ear’s some artwork

Sometimes artists/illustrators/photographers/writers send me work inspired by the @DeadEndFiction short story tweets. Here is a link to one of the more recent ones –

@DeadEndFiction – I talk to my walls. They do have ears. I rip them from the heads of strangers and mount them like décor. They reply with deafening silence.


Site Maintenance

I haven’t been very vigilant in maintaining this site so far. I’ll try to check and update more regularly from now on and I’ll try to post more of these longer short stories. This new story called Monster, was originally going to be a 140 character tweet. It was going to start with the same opening line “I was a different monster every day of the week, except for Sunday”. But there was just too much information to fit into a tweet and it didn’t suggest a satisfying conclusion. Perhaps, in its longer version, the conclusion is still a little weak. The 1000 words allowed me to explore many more ideas and have some fun with the possibilities of the different monsters. Feedback welcome.


This is hopefully going to expand into lots of short stories and other things inspired by @DeadEndFiction